As you may have noticed, it was a very spare newsletter indeed last month. The reason for that is twofold. I have been having problems with my site and am still working to resolve them and secondly, I had a medical issue that precluded me from working on the newsletter. The good news is that my medical condition is completely resolved and I am learning a lot more about owning a Word Press site. I’m not all the way there yet but I am plugging away. I thank you for your continued confidence in my abilities.
Now that the election and Halloween are over, we are moving into the holiday season. It pains me greatly that I may not be able to celebrate with my family and loved ones around me this time but I am hoping and praying that a vaccine and a cure will be here soon. I am sure you are all hoping and praying for the same.
Again thank you for your continued confidence. Until next time, please take care of yourself and anyone who needs you. During an age when you can be anything, please be kind.