Unofficial Fall is upon us. Leaves are falling, I am requiring a sweater when I go out to get the paper in the morning and I really, really, have the urge to bake! All sure signs of Fall, regardless of what the calendar has to say.
It looks like the pandemic is ramping up again. I pray daily for all the little children in school who cannot yet be vaccinated. Two weeks in and my grandchildren have a teacher and a child with Covid and the other two grandchildren who are taking a bus home for the first time, got on the wrong bus the first day and the following week the bus was involved in a traffic accident. Oh, if I could just keep them in a bubble, safe from harm! Hopefully there will soon be a safe vaccine for the little children as well. My oldest grandson wanted to be a person to test it on. His mom told him there was a possibility that he could die testing it. He said “Well mom if I die doing something to save other people, I’m ok with that.” He is ten, God bless his little heart. I have never been more proud of him. If only adults could be as selfless as he… Nuff said.
Please take care of each other and anyone else you can help.
Until next time…