We are well into the throes of winter now. The holidays are over , the trees are bare and the landscape is barren and in my humble opinion, rather dismal. I’m a warm weather sunshine girl and so now it’s the long, slow countdown until Spring for me. We have two more holidays upcoming before Spring and those are Valentine’s day and St. Patrick’s day. After that I really start counting the days until Springtime! I have thus far been taking my two mile walk every morning right up until it was 16 degrees when I left the house in the morning. I didn’t think it prudent to walk outside then so I have been using my trusty treadmill. Not my favorite way to get exercise but it gets the job done.
I am also busy knitting and doing other odds and ends. Please remember to look out for the people you care about during these cold months. Make sure they are warm and have company to pass the winter months. Talk to them, take them a book or a puzzle anything to let them know you are thinking of them and that you care. Don’t forget the strangers either! Leave a warm hat or scarf outside where someone in need can access it.
I hope you all enjoyed a lovely holiday season with people you love and care about.
I think this newsletter has lots of good material in it and I hope you can all put it to good use.
Until next time, take care….